Energy industry
The energy market in transition: In the environment of digitization and growing demand for sustainable solutions, dynamic adaptability and scalable, innovative value creation processes are among the critical success factors for companies in the energy industry.
Challenge of the industry
Sustainable energy solutions such as renewable energies, energy storage and smart grids are leading to a transformation of the energy market. This requires a transformation of the companies participating in the energy market. The focus of consumers is shifting away from pure commodity products to higher customer demands. Customers are looking for holistic, sustainable and affordable energy solutions. This requires adjustments in the product portfolio, a well thought-out customer journey, and internal processes that support customer-centric offerings. Traditional energy suppliers must evolve and transform into holistic solution providers for the "Energiewende@home". In order to successfully serve the increasing demand for sustainable energy solutions, access to products and installation capacities is necessary. This requires close cooperation with various partners and results in a changed, more complex value chain.

Markt- und Kundenanalyse:
Datenbasierte Analyse des Wettbewerbs und der Kundenzielgruppe, Ableitung von Best Practices
Positionierung und Wertversprechen:
Definition einer wettbewerbsfähigen Positionierung und Ableitung kundenzentrierter Wertversprechen
Produktdefinition und Erlösmodell:
Entwicklung eines kundenzentrierten Produktportfolios, Definition der Erlöslogik, Bestimmung von Preispunkten
Berechnung eines detaillierten Business-Cases mit Umsatz- und Kostenprognose, Investitionsplanung, Cash-Flow Analyse und Rentabilitätsbetrachtung Betrachtung
Kommerzielle Machbarkeit:
Definition relevanter Marketingkanäle und Ableitung konkreter Marketingmaßnahme
Aufbereitung von Pitch-Deck Unterlagen basierend auf Projektergebnissen
Strengthening core business:
- Sales models
- Pricing
- Performance management
- Establishment of data-driven marketing models
- Development and integration of prevention strategies
Revenue growth through new business areas:
- New business models / revenue streams
- Building energy ecosystems
- Establishment of partnership models
- Transformation of the organization / cultural change for energy transition
- End2End M&A inorganic growth incl. staffing specialist department
Product portfolio:
- Development of new products
- Pricing
- Portfolio optimization
- Time-to-market management
Marketing & sales:
- Sales Models
- Sales Optimization
- Performance Management
- Omnichannel Management
- Lead Generation
- CPO Optimization
- Partnership models
Process Digitization:
- Integration of Data & Analytics Models
- Implementation of Digital Deflection
- Digital Selfcare
- Process Automation
Operational Excellence:
- Customer contact processes
- Project and Program Management
- Customer & Operational Insights
Customer Value Management:
- Personalization & Next-Best-Action
- Omnichannel & Campaign Management
- Prevention, Retention & Win-Back
- Customer Journey Optimization
Growth opportunities
- xtension of the value chain by expanding business and revenue models and development into a 360-degree solution provider for active support of the Energiewende@home.
- Optimizing the efficiency of sales, customer service and digitization projects such as smart home solutions, and reducing cost-to-serve.
- Low customer loyalty and increasing customer demands require customer-centric cross- & up-sell offers as well as an integrated customer journey for commodity and non-commodity services.
Our reference projects
Customer references
Start-ups aus unserem Portfolio
Wir schaffen Wachstum für unsere Kunden. Gemäß einer einfachen Formel: Strategie + Umsetzung = Wachstum. In unsere Arbeit bringen wir ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis digitaler Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und neuer Arbeitsweisen ein. Damit eine Wachstumsstrategie nicht nur "auf dem Papier" erfolgreich ist, sondern messbar Erfolg bringt, begleiten wir unsere Kunden in der operativen Umsetzung und übernehmen Ergebnisverantwortung. Innovative Impulse für unsere Arbeit erhalten wir aus unserem Start-up Investment Portfolio.

Excerpt of our customers

Alexander Bernecker
Partner and Industry Lead Energy Industry
Alexander's passion lies in the optimal design of customer relationships. And he does this for both companies and their customers. His consulting focus is therefore on increasing value and stabilizing customer relationships through insights & analytics, personalized customer management via omnichannel structures and operational excellence. His professional background is strongly influenced by international operational responsibilities in Marketing & Sales, Customer Management & Experience as well as Product & Proposition Management. Most recently as Sales Director of a German IT company, before that as Chief Commercial Officer at a telecommunications group or as Marketing Director of the former Eplus.
Mail: a.bernecker@muecke-roth.de

Alexander Bernecker

Partner and Industry Lead Energy Industry
Alexander's passion lies in the optimal design of customer relationships. And he does this for both companies and their customers. His consulting focus is therefore on increasing value and stabilizing customer relationships through insights & analytics, personalized customer management via omnichannel structures and operational excellence. His professional background is strongly influenced by international operational responsibilities in Marketing & Sales, Customer Management & Experience as well as Product & Proposition Management. Most recently as Sales Director of a German IT company, before that as Chief Commercial Officer at a telecommunications group or as Marketing Director of the former Eplus.
Mail: a.bernecker@muecke-roth.de
Jannis Rechtenbach
Head of insurance industry and e-commerce expert
Jannis is a specialist in all things digital. He has extensive industry experience, with a focus on the insurance, telecommunications, and energy sectors. His consulting expertise lies primarily in the development and optimization of digital sales - both within the business model itself (product, pricing & value proposition) and in the areas of customer and lead generation. His approach is always data-driven, with a strong emphasis on customer-centric testing. Jannis is an expert in online and performance marketing and a recognized professional in increasing lead and sales figures. His expertise is based on extensive hands-on experience, ranging from startups to large international corporations. Most recently, he was responsible for digital sales in the German market for an international telecommunications company.
Mail: j.rechtenbach@muecke-roth.de

Jannis Rechtenbach

Head of insurance industry and e-commerce expert
Jannis is a specialist in all things digital. He has extensive industry experience, with a focus on the insurance, telecommunications, and energy sectors. His consulting expertise lies primarily in the development and optimization of digital sales - both within the business model itself (product, pricing & value proposition) and in the areas of customer and lead generation. His approach is always data-driven, with a strong emphasis on customer-centric testing. Jannis is an expert in online and performance marketing and a recognized professional in increasing lead and sales figures. His expertise is based on extensive hands-on experience, ranging from startups to large international corporations. Most recently, he was responsible for digital sales in the German market for an international telecommunications company.
Mail: j.rechtenbach@muecke-roth.de