The expansion of digital high-performance networks is opening up new business models in the telecommunications market. New participants are entering the market, and existing constellations are undergoing a transformation. Cost-efficient digital processes, new partnership models and optimized customer contact strategies play a decisive role in this process.
Challenge of the industry
The cost-intensive expansion of high-performance networks, both for 5G and for fiber, is increasing the pressure on network operators to be profitable. Private customers in particular are not yet willing to pay more for the more powerful network - the added value for applications suitable for mass use is not evident, and there is a lack of mature use cases.
Forward-looking positioning in the market is becoming a challenge, as new digital ecosystems with new participants are emerging. Telecommunication providers must position themselves clearly in order to maximize their value creation. However, the successful market entry of international tech companies in the digital environment shows that this is possible. For telecommunication companies, digitization is also an opportunity for growth. As an example, data analytics and generative artificial intelligence enable the creation of compelling customer experiences in the core business as well as the succesful development of new business.
Markt- und Kundenanalyse:
Datenbasierte Analyse des Wettbewerbs und der Kundenzielgruppe, Ableitung von Best Practices
Positionierung und Wertversprechen:
Definition einer wettbewerbsfähigen Positionierung und Ableitung kundenzentrierter Wertversprechen
Produktdefinition und Erlösmodell:
Entwicklung eines kundenzentrierten Produktportfolios, Definition der Erlöslogik, Bestimmung von Preispunkten
Berechnung eines detaillierten Business-Cases mit Umsatz- und Kostenprognose, Investitionsplanung, Cash-Flow Analyse und Rentabilitätsbetrachtung Betrachtung
Kommerzielle Machbarkeit:
Definition relevanter Marketingkanäle und Ableitung konkreter Marketingmaßnahme
Aufbereitung von Pitch-Deck Unterlagen basierend auf Projektergebnissen
digital target goals, business models and value propositions, partner strategies & management (selection, steering), ecosystem monetization.
Product and innovation development:
product and proposition management, pricing & value proposition, innovation management.
Marketing & Sales:
lead-to-conversion management, omnichannel management, sales performance management, scalable go-to-market approaches
Customer Value Management:
Personalization & Next Best Action, Omnichannel & Campaign Management, Prevention, Retention & WinBack
Customer Care:
customer service excellence, service portfolio optimization, sales-in-service
Organization & Processes:
Program/project/process management, transformation support, organization and change management
Data & Analytics:
Predictive and Classification Models, Customer & Operational Insights, Monetization of Data
Growth opportunities
- Development of applications and products to improve customer conversion to the new networks for higher customer profitability and amortization of roll-out costs.
- Benefit of negotiating position towards potential partners as well as development of new opportunities through central positioning in digital ecosystems
- Development of new business models for additional value breadth and depth as well as optimization of cost structures through outsourcing of less value-added business areas
- Combination of internal and external data as well as greater automation of processes using generative artificial intelligence for cost efficiency and faster time-to-market
- Personalized customer contact strategy for new and existing customers across the entire customer journey for better conversion rates and higher margins
Our reference projects
Customer references and memberships

Start-ups aus unserem Portfolio
Wir schaffen Wachstum für unsere Kunden. Gemäß einer einfachen Formel: Strategie + Umsetzung = Wachstum. In unsere Arbeit bringen wir ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis digitaler Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und neuer Arbeitsweisen ein. Damit eine Wachstumsstrategie nicht nur "auf dem Papier" erfolgreich ist, sondern messbar Erfolg bringt, begleiten wir unsere Kunden in der operativen Umsetzung und übernehmen Ergebnisverantwortung. Innovative Impulse für unsere Arbeit erhalten wir aus unserem Start-up Investment Portfolio.

Excerpt of our customers

Alexander Bernecker
Partner and Industry Lead Telecommunications
Alexander's passion lies in the optimal design of customer relationships. And he does this for both companies and their customers. His consulting focus is therefore on increasing value and stabilizing customer relationships through insights & analytics, personalized customer management via omnichannel structures and operational excellence. His professional background is strongly influenced by international operational responsibilities in Marketing & Sales, Customer Management & Experience as well as Product & Proposition Management. Most recently as Sales Director of a German IT company, before that as Chief Commercial Officer at a telecommunications group or as Marketing Director of the former Eplus.
Mail: a.bernecker@muecke-roth.de

Alexander Bernecker

Partner and Industry Lead Telecommunications
Alexander's passion lies in the optimal design of customer relationships. And he does this for both companies and their customers. His consulting focus is therefore on increasing value and stabilizing customer relationships through insights & analytics, personalized customer management via omnichannel structures and operational excellence. His professional background is strongly influenced by international operational responsibilities in Marketing & Sales, Customer Management & Experience as well as Product & Proposition Management. Most recently as Sales Director of a German IT company, before that as Chief Commercial Officer at a telecommunications group or as Marketing Director of the former Eplus.
Mail: a.bernecker@muecke-roth.de