Consulting services

Through strategy, implementation and impulses from the start-up world, we create growth through digitization for our customers.

What we achieve






The strategy defines the goal as well as the path ofgrowth. "Strategy is about choices": the aim is to make the best possible use of investments and resources to achieve objectives. In times of technological upheaval and rapid innovation cycles, we help our clients to make the right decisions.

Measurable results require excellence in implementation. We work hands-on and collaborate closely with client teams to deliver measurable growth.


The strategy defines the goal as well as the path of growth. "Strategy is about choices": the aim is to make the best possible use of investments and resources to achieve objectives. In times of technological upheaval and rapid innovation cycles, we help our clients to make the right decisions.



Measurable results require excellence in implementation. We work hands-on and collaborate closely with client teams to deliver measurable growth.



We bring the growth formula to life:

Our special expertise is based on many years of operational work experience and our start-up investor activities.

Operational work experience

We are more than just consultants – over 90% of us gained operational work experience, including as board members, managing directors and founders. That’s why we know how to ensure a strategy´s feasibility and involve client teams in a way that it becomes "their project" and not a consulting project.

Impulses from the start-up world

Start-ups show us how to grow through innovative business models. This is what established companies can learn from – being successful with few resources and the usage of digital technologies. As an investor, we get deep insights into the start-up world, remain on the cutting edge and ensure the knowledge transfer to our clients.


Die Strategie definiert das Ziel und den Weg des Wachstumskurses. „Strategy is about choices“: Es gilt, Investitionen und Ressourcen bestmöglich zur Zielerreichung einzusetzen. In Zeiten technologischer Umbrüche und schneller Innovationszyklen helfen wir unseren Kunden, entscheidungsfähig zu sein.


Messbare Ergebnisse bedingen Exzellenz in der Umsetzung. Wir packen mit an und arbeiten im Tagesgeschäft Hand-in-Hand mit Kundenteams, um messbares Wachstum abzuliefern.


Operative Arbeitserfahrung

Wir sind mehr als nur Berater – über 90% von uns verfügen über operative Arbeitserfahrung, u.a. als Vorstand, Geschäftsführer, Gründer. Daher wissen wir, wie man die Umsetzbarkeit einer Strategie sicherstellt und Kundenteams so involviert, dass es „ihr Projekt“ und kein Beraterprojekt ist.

Impulse aus der Start-up Welt

Start-ups zeigen auf, wie man mit innovativen Geschäftsmodellen wächst. Etablierte Unternehmen können von ihnen lernen, wie man mit wenig Ressourcen und dem Einsatz digitaler Technologien erfolgreich ist. Als Investor haben wir tiefe Einblicke in die Start-up Welt, sind am Puls der Zeit und stellen den Wissenstransfer her.


Setup-to-Win for Start-up Initiatives

Set the right impulses right from the start.  

Do you want to become more innovative in a holistic way and also integrate start-up initiatives to keep up with the latest market trends and innovations? Are you still at the beginning with this or have you already taken the first steps?  

Pricing Strategy

Pricing cannot be separated from the service provided to a customer.Our strategy work focuses on defining the optimal "price-value model" for a product or service portfolio.To do this, we use analytical methods such as conjoint analysis.We use customer surveys to identify value drivers and quantify price elasticities.Based on this, we then translate the logic of a "price-value model" into marketing language - ideally together with the customer's marketing team.This is the only way that marketing, sales and customer service can convincingly deliver on value propositions. To the point, we empower sales to lead value conversations instead of price conversations and keep customer satisfaction high.We usually test our concepts as a part of pilot project in the market.

Go-to-market strategy

A successful go-to-market strategy is the basis for the economic success of products & services. In our experience, however, this often fails because there is too much focus on features and too little on target customers and benefits. We ensure for our customers that products & services land correctly in the market and that the value proposition is used to position them in a way that promises the greatest growth.

Digital Strategy & Transformation

Digital target picture - setting the course for the future  

What fundamental customer needs do you want to address and what value propositions do you need to offer your customers to still be relevant in 5 years? How can emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence and innovative solution approaches help you deliver on these value propositions?  

Omnichannel sales strategy

When revising their sales strategy, many companies are guided by the "digital first" motif. This promises efficient sales success - highly automated and data-driven. We think differently. For us, the economic success of our customers comes first - regardless of whether digital or non-digital. In our experience, sales success can generally always be maximized through the interaction of different channels. The rule is often: as much digital as possible and as much non-digital as necessary to maximize business success.

Innovative Business Models

Business model innovations - realizing growth potential.  

Ongoing digitization and emerging technologies are leading to changing customer requirements and increasing competitive dynamics. In this market environment, holistic, customer-centric solutions are becoming a key differentiation factor.

Customer Value Strategy

Customer Value Management (CVM) is becoming increasingly important in dynamic industries. CVM describes measures to increase customer lifetime value and customer satisfaction while optimizing the use of resources from the very beginning of the relationship between a company and its customers. Today, many companies, in both the B2C and B2B sectors, still manage their business on the basis of unit or sales figures instead of focusing on the development of customer value and leverage value creation potential.

Data and AI strategy

We help you create business value from your data with a comprehensive data and AI strategy and accompany you on the path to data-driven digital transformation.

Our strategy services


Knowledge exchange with start-ups

Use the full potential of your start-up engagements.  

In the case of medium-sized companies, start-up engagements always pursue innovation goals in addition to the financial goals of return on investment, which should serve the core business. To benefit from the innovative power of start-ups and their disruptive business models in the core business, an active knowledge exchange with the start-ups is necessary.  

Start-up Dealflow

Boost your startup dealflow.  

When implementing start-up collaborations or investments, it is crucial to identify and have access to the best teams and ideas. For this to succeed, the quantity and quality of the deal flow is crucial. Especially at the beginning of start-up engagement with mid-sized companies, this is a challenge. You are not yet known for your start-up initiatives, very good teams that can choose their partners do not yet know how you work and in the ecosystem you have not yet been able to prove yourself as a reliable partner.  

It turns out that the deal flow at the beginning of start-up engagements is therefore often slow to pick up speed for mid-sized companies.  

Interim Management

Is your company able to successfully implement digital initiatives on time and within budget? Digital projects often fail due to a lack of central key roles. We fill these quickly and straightforwardly with technical and methodologically trained experts and consultants. We ensure the successful implementation of projects - from day one.

Data Analytics

We ensure the implementation of your data, analytics & AI solutions with you; starting with the implementation with our own data science and data engineering expertise to the management of additional service providers and consistent recording and management of the implementation, we work closely with you on the realization of data-driven value creation.

Customer Value Management

Customer Value Management (CVM) describes the requirements and measures to increase the value of customers and to establish a customer-centric organization. The successful implementation of CVM is based on four core levers.

Lead generation

We are convinced that sales success, especially for software companies, rises and falls with a well-filled and high-quality top-funnel. However, companies often find it difficult to generate leads and qualify them accordingly.

End-to-end process analysis

To establish effective and coherent processes MRC uses its industry insights and proven approaches from previous customer projects. An optimized process management results from the analysis, comparison and synthesis of the respective strengths from the customer's existing process world and established best practices from the FTTH business.

Sales Funnel Optimization

Many software companies still see marketing and sales as separate departments that only need to be connected via processes. Our view is different: We translate processes into a "funnel view". Through clear role allocation, data focus and tool support, we make the end-to-end funnel predictable.


By "Sales-as-a-Service" we mean the provision of interim resources who take on hands-on sales tasks in the name and on behalf of our customers. In this way, we ensure that developed sales concepts are quickly put into practice.

Our implementation services