Growth in times of great upheaval.
Challenge of the industry
The media industry has been in a state of upheaval for several years. In the TV environment, the intensity of competition has increased: a sharp rise in the number of global providers is pushing into the market with paid entertainment (Netflix, Disney+, etc.) and sports content (DAZN, Sky, etc.). This allows consumers to increasingly individualize their media consumption. Changing customer expectations increasingly require more flexibility and creativity in the design of attractive offers. In order to remain competitive, reduce churn and secure their future viability, companies are required to continuously optimize their products, offers and revenue models and, if necessary, enter into cooperations with partners.

Market and customer analysis:
Data-based analysis of the competition and the customer target group, derivation of best practices
Positioning and value proposition:
Definition of competitive positioning and derivation of customer-centric value propositions
Product definition and revenue model:
development of a customer-centric product portfolio, definition of revenue logic, determination of price points
Commercial feasibility:
calculation of detailed business cases with revenue and cost forecasts, investment planning, cash flow analysis and profitability consideration
Definition of relevant marketing channels and derivation of concrete marketing measures
Customer value enhancement:
development and implementation of measures to increase value and stabilize customer relationships
Growth opportunities
- Provision of tailored product portfolios and service offerings, with clear quality advantages over the competition
- Collaborate with players in the media world (including third-party providers) to generate additional revenue and leverage cost synergies
- opening up new business areas
Customer references and memberships
Start-ups aus unserem Portfolio
Wir schaffen Wachstum für unsere Kunden. Gemäß einer einfachen Formel: Strategie + Umsetzung = Wachstum. In unsere Arbeit bringen wir ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis digitaler Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und neuer Arbeitsweisen ein. Damit eine Wachstumsstrategie nicht nur "auf dem Papier" erfolgreich ist, sondern messbar Erfolg bringt, begleiten wir unsere Kunden in der operativen Umsetzung und übernehmen Ergebnisverantwortung. Innovative Impulse für unsere Arbeit erhalten wir aus unserem Start-up Investment Portfolio.

Excerpt of our customers

Elena Soni-Mantel
Principal and Industry Leader Media
Elena has been a fixture in the media industry for more than 12 years. She has led numerous national and international programs and has felt the change herself: this includes consolidation of media companies, redesign of product offerings to change management at departmental and corporate levels. In addition to her professional interests, she is also a good advisor in her private life on how to make the best use of media, such as selecting exciting series.
Mail: e.soni-mantel@muecke-roth.de

Elena Soni-Mantel

Principal and Industry Leader Media
Elena has been a fixture in the media industry for more than 12 years. She has led numerous national and international programs and has felt the change herself: this includes consolidation of media companies, redesign of product offerings to change management at departmental and corporate levels. In addition to her professional interests, she is also a good advisor in her private life on how to make the best use of media, such as selecting exciting series.
Mail: e.soni-mantel@muecke-roth.de